CWEH Has partnered with Natalie Sullivan, MS PAS to provide the most high quality Equine Nutritional support

A horsewoman who has improved thousands of feed rooms across the country.

Natalie Sullivan is an independent equine nutritionist with a vast amount of professional education and experience helping horse owners build better horse diets. Natalie brings fresh insight and healthy perspective on feeding horses gained from stepping into thousands of feed rooms and working with veterinarians across the U.S.A.- all without the agenda of selling feed and supplement products.

More importantly, Natalie is a horse owner and competitor like you; 4 horses, 5 acres, a few competitions a year, LOTS of lessons, shelves of horse training books, and irrationally passionate behavior that her husband tolerates. Like you, she lives and breathes horses. They are her profession, hobby, and her community.

Natalie is a member of the Equine Science Society, a Professional Animal Scientist, and Graduate A and National Examiner for the United State Pony Club. Her masters degree focused on low carb horse diets in the prevention of laminitis. She has developed teff based feed products for horses with Equine Metabolic Syndrome. She launched the Low Carb Horse Hay website and certification program in 2017 to encourage more forage growers to grow teff and other low-carb hays. She has been speaking and consulting with teff hay growers around the country to close the communication gap between the equine and forage industries!

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Speaking Freely

After 15 years as a professional in the equine nutrition industry, I’ve honestly just gotten fed up with the quality of equine nutrition information out there! And I do mean QUALITY, not QUANTITY. There is certainly a lot of misinformation, myths, and half-truths that propagate amongst us all, and we all suffer for it! It's overwhelming. So, how do we weed through it? I quit my job with a very wonderful agricultural coop, finally moved back to Montana with my two warmblood mares, and started an online nutrition course for horse owners, veterinarians, farriers and other professionals to help you figure out just that! Better yet, now that I’m not attached to any company and do not accept advertising dollars, I can be unbiased in my discussion of feeds and supplements available to you. I've travelled the country and witnessed the many, MANY ways that people choose to keep and feed horses, and this should be very important to you, because it brings perspective to the front table. And speaking of perspective, I've been there, feeding special needs horses, competing at the higher levels, and trying to save money where I could to afford my passion.

My ultimate desire is to EMPOWER horse owners with their hay distributors, at the feed store, and while shopping online supplement marketplaces. I want to make you the smartest feeder at your barn. You CAN feed balanced nutrition without complicated feed programs or spending a fortune. Let me show you how. Invest in your feeding future by clicking the services link below or email I know you won't be disappointed.

*OCEN is unaffiliated with any feed or supplement company and does not receive compensation for any recommended product.